美股ETF 公開說明書資料-VTI
美國基金或ETF的公開說明書通常稱為Prospectus,在發行公司的官網都可以找得到,通常都以PDF檔案的形式提供下載,有的公開說明書會包含最近年度的財務報告,有的則另外提供,公開說明書與財務報告都是公開而且容易取得的,如果不是,建議不要投資資訊不夠透明的基金。以VTI這檔ETF為例,全名是Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF,由Vanguard所發行的全世界股票ETF,可以Google這檔ETF的全名或是到Vanugard網站查詢,連結到VTI的資訊網頁,然後點選Prospectus & Reports
Prospectus and Reports
Summary Prospectus -->公開說明書摘要版
Statutory Prospectus --> 公開說明書
Statement of Additional Information (SAI) for this fund --> 基金的補充資訊
Request prospectus by mail--> 不方便下載,可以mail索取
Annual and Semiannual Reports
Annual Report 12/31/2018 --> 年度財報
Semiannual Report 06/30/2018-->半年報
Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(Expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
Management Fees -0.03%
12b-1 Distribution Fee -None
Other Expenses -0.00%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses- 0.03%
管理費用只有0.03%,其他費用則是 0 (大驚!!),而一年的總費用也才只有0.03%(請看國內類似的共同基金收多少吧!至少10倍以上!)這個費用也只是大概,因為實際上都會有些許差異,要看每年的財報才知道過去這一年的費用大概是多少,但是並不會差太多。而費用會有所改變,可能因為行銷策略或是基金的規模以及交易的熱絡程度而有所不同。
The following example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund’s ETF Shares with the cost of investing in other funds. It illustrates the hypothetical expenses that you would incur over various periods if you were to invest $10,000 in the Fund’s shares. This example assumes that the shares provide a return of 5% each year and that total annual fund operating expenses remain as stated in the preceding table. You would incur these hypothetical expenses whether or not you were to sell your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
$3 $10 $17 $39
This example does not include the brokerage commissions that you may pay to buy and sell ETF Shares of the Fund.
1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
$3 $10 $17 $39